© 2010 Jennifer Durham Photography
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Family. Love. Inner Beauty. Authenticity. Affordability. Service.

These are values that we hold close to the heart.

I love being out in the world, immersing myself, noticing the light, noticing the small moments that make us who we are. Preserving those moments via my camera is something I feel passionate about.

But I also love being in the studio -- being in control of the light. Light is what informs all of my work, and I enjoy it wherever I find it.

I’ve been a working photographer for 20 years now, and I still get excited by it.

Please contact me to discuss your needs. I’m available via email through the contact form or by telephone (206)400-7300. For fundraising opportunities for schools and non-profits, please visit Family Photo Event for complete information.

Thanks for stopping by.

Jennifer Durham